Policies & Procedures

  • The Nelson Enrichment Club is a program of Here to Stay Wintergreen, a 501c3 nonprofit organization based in Nellysford, VA.

  • Our mission at the Nelson Enrichment Club is to provide a caring and safe environment for individuals experiencing memory loss. Through engaging and enriching activities, we empower members to achieve their fullest potential, while providing a restorative break for their dedicated caregivers.

  • For the Members:
    Program Members are referred to as Club Members. The Club provides a safe, caring, enriching, and engaging environment for the well-being of each Member. A variety of activities includes, but is not limited to, social, creative, intellectual, physical fitness, and recreational programming. All activities are designed to provide mental stimulation and social participation. Examples of activities include group singing, arts and crafts, fitness and exercise, brain games, intergenerational programs, art therapy, pet therapy, and socialization activities.

    For the Caregivers:
    The Club provides valuable respite (an interval of rest or relief) for the caregiver. It supports the efforts of the family to keep the loved one in the home environment and delay institutionalized care, which will contribute to the quality of life of the Member as well as the family. The Club also provides information regarding available community resources for caregivers and their care partners.

    For the Volunteers:
    The Club provides a life-enhancing opportunity to be of service and contribute meaningfully to the community. Volunteers received specialized training that will increase their knowledge of dementia and related conditions and provide them with tools to be successful in this role.

  • The Club operates on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10-2 pm in the Fellows Hall at the Rockfish Presbyterian Church (5016 Rockfish Valley Hwy, Nellysford, VA). The program will be closed on all legal holidays, i.e., New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King’s Day, Fourth of July, etc. Advanced notification of closing will be communicated to Members and caregivers.

  • At times, some individuals may no longer be a fit for the program due to safety concerns or behavioral issues. In most cases, consideration of discharge from the program will be discussed with the family member(s) before a final decision of termination is made, in order to give as much advance notice as is reasonably possible. Advance notice is not guaranteed, and the decision of discharge is at the sole discretion of the Program Director, balancing the needs of Members, families, volunteers, and other program participants.

  • Members commit to one month at a time, for a minimum of one regular day per week (either Mondays, Wednesdays, or both). Invoices are presented by the 5th of the prior month, and payment is due by the 15th to guarantee your spot for the following month.

    The daily rate is $40 for up to 4 hours. Financial assistance is available based on need, on a first-come, first-served basis. 

    In addition, programs such as the Virginia Lifespan Respite Voucher may provide families with reimbursement for respite care services: https://vda.virginia.gov/vlrv.htm

  • The Club's overhead costs remain the same, regardless of the number of Members in attendance on a given day. For this reason, the Club is typically unable to provide refunds for days paid for but missed. 

    However, in the event of a planned absence, please notify the Program Director before the 10th of the prior month. If the Program Director is able to fill the spot from the waitlist by the 15th of the prior month, your invoice will be adjusted to reflect a discount equal to the amount paid for that date. If the Director is unable to fill the spot by the 15th for any reason, you will owe the full amount for the month, regardless of days missed.

  • A Program Director will staff the program, reporting to our advisory committee and ultimately to the Board of Directors of Here to Stay Wintergreen. The Program Director is supported by a Volunteer Lead and multiple Volunteers on each shift. Program volunteers receive specialized training and have passed a background check. In the rare event of the Program Director’s absence, the Volunteer Lead will be in charge of the operation and activities of the Club. Volunteers provide additional staffing and are assigned Members with whom they will socialize during the day. The ratio of Volunteers to Members may vary from 1-3 Members to one Volunteer, depending upon individual need and Volunteer numbers for the day. A program day will be considered “full” when the Program Director deems that adding more Members would compromise the ability of the Volunteer team to provide excellent attention and care. A waitlist will then be started to manage further inquiries.

  • It is of great importance that lines of communication between caregiver and the Program Director remain open.  If the family of the Member has concerns, observations, and/or suggestions they would like to discuss, they are always encouraged to do so. This can be best accomplished by scheduling an appointment with the Program Director. However, the Program Director is always available to hear your concerns.

  • Members needing to take medication during the program hours must be able to take it independently–in other words, self-administer–their own medication. Participants must keep the medication with them during the day, as we are unable to store medications. If a medication reminder would be helpful, the caregiver should indicate this on the Medication Reminder Sheet  when dropping off the Member. Volunteers will do their best to provide a medication reminder at the indicated time; however, caregivers and Members must understand that it is not the responsibility of the volunteers or staff to do so. Volunteers are unable to administer any medications. Family members must take full responsibility for medication administration. In some cases, this may include a caregiver dropping in to ensure that medication is taken.

    No one on staff is a medical professional. If a Member shows signs of illness or infectious disease, the Program Director will contact the Member’s caregiver, advising him/her to pick up the Member right away. 

    It is important to keep all Members and Volunteers protected from contagious illness. A Member should not attend that day if they present with any of the following: any type of contagious illness; a fever of 100F or more within 24 hours of program start time; diarrhea; symptoms of flu or Covid-19; known or suspected exposure to a contagious illness within the past 5 days. Thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe and healthy.

    Sickness and accidents resulting in physical injury or suspected physical injury will be reported to the Program Director, who will arrange for appropriate medical attention to be obtained. The caregiver of the Member will be immediately notified or emergency actions will be taken.  If it is deemed necessary, transportation to the hospital will be obtained by calling 911. An accident report will be filed with the signature of the caregiver.

  • The Club will provide a nutritious meal. Every effort will be made to accommodate allergies and dietary restrictions; however, the Club cannot guarantee an option to meet all dietary needs. In the event that your family member is unable to eat the provided meal, please pack a nutritious lunch for them.

  • Participants may choose to have their personal paid attendants and/or Caregiver with them during the program hours. Paid attendants or caregivers will provide necessary aid to their own person only, and will be expected to assist their person in participating in the activities as scheduled. They will not be provided with a free meal; however, a meal can be provided by notifying the Program Director by the 15th of the month prior.